Finally got around to making a whole bunch of character pages! All of the Combaticons are done, which means I have a good base to work off of for the Stunticons and the Seekers! I honestly thought I would have more trouble with Swindle's page than it ended up giving me, but I ended up learning a lot actually! Also uhh there might be some secrets. Have fun looking for them lmao.
Eventually, I'll get around to opening up the server to spectators, but I want to have Session 3 written before I do that. I'm still a little dodgy about it just because I've never really been in charge of a server with a lot of folks in it. It's a little scary to be honest! And I wanna put it off for as long as possible! ^^'
Session 3 is taking longer to write that I wanted to, less because it's shaping up to be A Big One and my Big Task Anxiety is keeping me from doing it but more because a lot of shit has happened in my life as of late. Turns out my father in law never actually liked me at all and has kinda been lying to me and my partner this whole time! And another website project I've been working on with a bunch of my friends got posted on lolcow with some very transphobic remarks being made about us and a bunch of other folks, one of which being an unaffiliated third party who happens to be a minor! Isn't that just so cool when people have absolutely no sense of joy or whimsy in their lives so they take to snickering in a little huddle pile away from everybody else and saying that the people who are actually happy should off themselves? Those are totally the people we should look at as the cool kids! /sar
Stay tuned for more updates!!

DEV LOG [DATE: 21 JULY 2023]

SESSION 2 IS DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There was a lot less scuff than I was anticipating this time around at least compared to last time, and I even learned how to use FredBoat for background music! I plan to further utilize that in session 3, but I at least figured out how to actually turn the music on and off. There wasn't as much stuff as last time just because I didn't have a whole lot planned, but session 3 is shaping up to be The Big One, so I kinda have to conserve those writing juices. It's gonna be even more fun when I start inviting people to the Discord as live spectators because I've had a few people now say that they would want to do that. It just makes me so happy knowing that so many people want to hear the silly scary things I write!
Website-side, there's a lot more official art I need to add because there's a lot of live doodles that happen during the sessions. There's also a few more NPC images I need to post as well, but I have a special surprise in store for how I want to handle one of them. I won't post those tonight because I am writing this at 2:45am and desperately need to fix my sleep schedule, but stay tuned for when those crop up!
Not only is session 3 gonna probably take longer to happen because it'll be a whole hell of a lot more to write, but it's also gonna take a little longer because I've got a lot of life stuff happening right now. My father-in-law is in town for the rest of the month, I just became an uncle to a four year old Chihuahua who is affectionately the single weirdest dog I've ever met, and we're doing a BIG bunch of housekeeping which involves a lot of manual labor and potential renovation projects. However, I will definitely keep people who are more involved in the story updated on the progress, and I do have people helping me brainstorm ideas which helps immensely. You know who you are, you fabulous evil bastards! Couldn't do it without you!~⋆。°✩
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for over 2k views on the website!!

DEV LOG [DATE: 30 JUNE 2023]

SESSION 1 IS DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so proud of how it went. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I could not have asked for better players. It went a little wonky towards the end just because we started spilling over into stuff I had planned for session 2, but I think I handled it pretty well given the circumstances. Min, Stranger, and Fried said that they all had fun too, and I need to remember that this is my first time DMing anything, so I call it a win.
As for session 2, I haven't finished writing it yet, and I have to rework a couple of things based on how session 1 went. It'll be a bit before I finish, and probably even longer before we do it because finding a good day to sit down and do it is so hard. So far, both sessions 0 and 1 were just kind of spur-of-the-moment "Oh, are we all free right now at this exact moment? Cool, guess we're doing it right now at this exact moment." type things.
Website-wise, there's a few more images heading for the gallery and character pages as well as our first video! Wow!
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for over 1k views on the website!!

DEV LOG [DATE: 23 JUNE 2023]

Got a big ole update for you today. First of all: Happy ArtFight team reveal day! I missed the actual stream because I was watching Venture Bros with my roommate, but vampires vs werewolves, eh? Taking me back to my mom's Twilight phase.
Anyway, I put another piece on the official art page (thanks Fried XD), and I fixed the links on the media subpages to link back to media instead of straight home. I also tweaked the homepage just a little bit because the end of the summary just didn't quite sit right with me.
As for when session 1 is happening, the bane of every TTRPG campaign has come for us... scheduling. Dun-dun-dun! Updates to come on how that shakes out, but so far it's looking like it's gonna take a little longer to get to than I had initially anticipated. It gives me time to write the next one though, which means we won't have to be waiting on me!
I've started rewatching Netflix's War For Cybertron trilogy, and I think I've realized the style that I would want APOCRYPHON to be animated in if it were an animated series. I've also realized that that show flows a lot better at 1.25x speed. I dunno. I'm the weirdo that has that as their favorite piece of Transformers media. Maybe that's why I wrote this to be as grimdark and horror-y as I did...
But I don't wanna give away too much! Stay tuned~!

DEV LOG [DATE: 19 JUNE 2023]

WE GOT OUR FIRST FANARTS!!!! Shoutouts to DR. DJS and fantafankid! I expect there to be more once ArtFight rolls around, so that's gonna be exciting! Also, I added a videos page on the Media section because I foresee some anime openings maybe? Eyes emoji? Expect a few more characters to be added to the NPC list very soon. And! I'm done writing the first session! Which means it will be posted very soon...


I meant to do this as an addendum to yesterday, but we now have a media page! The official art page is the only thing that has content on it at this juncture, but right now I'm not in a huge rush for fanart to happen. I mean, the campaign hasn't even started yet! Kinda hard to make fanart for something that doesn't have a story yet. I did, however, go ahead and add the Netflix thumbnail version of the website splash art. I was too proud of that stained glass window to have it NOT be in this site somewhere. At some point today, I'm gonna update the guestbook to make the colors match the main site. Stay tuned for bigger updates very soon, as I think I've got a basic outline for what I want to do for the first session squared away.


WE'VE GOT A TITLE IMAGE, BABEYYYYY!!! I had a lot of fun drawing my players, and I am so excited to get this out there! it's a little wonky looking in relation to the actual site index, but I'll futz with it a little more so that it doesn't look as jarring. But I'm so proud of how it turned out! I tried a new shading style, and the stained glass window looks nuts, which is funny considering I thought it would be a MUCH bigger pain in the ass than it ended up being. There exists a version of it where it's a fake Netflix Original thumbnail, but I'll keep that one for me and my players.


I got all the character pages done! The pictures are placeholders for the time being, so expect updates to them very soon. We finally did session 0 done today too, so that was pretty great. It was a lot less stressful than I thought it would be despite it taking literally almost five hours because we kept getting sidetracked. I literally couldn't ask for better players though. These folks are amazing artists with really cool ideas. If you're reading this, love you guys! You know who you are! <3


About time I got this done. Well, "done" is a strong word. I'm gonna add a shit ton more graphics and cool shit like that once I have a better grasp of what I want to accomplish and what the vibe is, but for now, this shall suffice. Also because it's about quarter till four in the A.M. and I want to not look at this bright ass Notepad document anymore. But! Session 0 is gonna be sometime this week, so that's fun! I'm really excited to get this show on the road, and I couldn't have asked for better players. Plus, we're all artists! We get to make our own campaign art! Hellz yeah!